About Us

Natasha Eyre – CEO
Natasha “Tire Air” Eyre hails from London, England and holds memories of Sunday bike rides around Buckingham Palace most dear to her heart. This is more than a job for Natasha; it’s a life calling. She looks back on her times biking around Londontown, and she feels personally compelled to let children everywhere ride their own bike to their own soundtrack without issues that arise from low battery levels. Whether it was her loving family, her ancient and noble preparatory school, or simply through her own will and smarts, she has developed an incredible imagination, obvious when you take a look at the PedalPodz logo, which is her brainchild. Ms. Eyre is truly a triple threat, as she brings artistic capabilities, valuable accounting skills, and great leadership to the management team.

Chetan Panda – CFO  
Mr. Panda is a sophomore at Georgetown University and the CFO of the PedalPodz Company. He calls Austin Texas home, one of the biggest biking cities in America. However, he is the most underachieved bicyclist on the team: in fact, the phrase “It’s like riding a bike, you never forget how” does not apply to him. Mr. Panda is one of the few people on earth to have learned how to ride a bike, and then forgotten. We do, however, value his financial knowledge and leadership qualities, which he has developed as a GUSIF board member, heading up the Retail and Media Division.

William Hedley – Director of Product Development  
William Hedley, in a controversial move last month, legally changed his name to WillYou PedalForMe: obviously WillYou is a man truly devoted to the PedalPodz cause. He is the creator of the PedalPod idea and now heads Research and Development for the group. As a member and analyst for Georgetown Collegiate Investors he knows what it takes to be a well- run company and has an ambitious vision for PedalPodz Inc.

Benjamin Holtzmuller – Director of Sales and Marketing 
Benjamin “Jammin to his PedalPodz charged iPod” Holtzmuller is Director of Sales and Marketing. He, unlike the other employees, actually owns a bike here on Georgetown campus, and even uses it everyday to bike down to crew practice, PedalPod and iPod in tow. This experience has proved extremely valuable, and it turns out that daily interaction with a bike has made his sales pitches extremely effective, for he can relate better to the buyer; his sales numbers are through the roof. He is very accomplished as a biker, having mastered no-hands biking for miles without touching. The phrase “It’s like riding a bike: you can take off your hands to send emails and browse the web indefinitely with a PedalPodz charger” indeed applies to him.